Postcards – Methodology
Photovoice postcards are a highly effective form of communication, allowing refugees to share their personal stories, interact with each other, and reach people who sometimes have no other contact with refugees and asylum seekers except through mass media images.
The focus is on developing storytelling skills, through photography and words (captions). The content is drawn from the lives and experiences of the refugees. An important part of the module is technical and conceptual training that gives participants the ability to report on their own lives, and to create images that they wish to share through postcards. Participants reflect on the differences between different types of images such as those used media reports and postcards, and the types of travel or transit they are usually associated with.
After taking and selecting photographs, participants write captions for their postcards in a process that requires them to think about how to use words to support their images to tell their stories. In the final part of the module, they are invited to share their postcards beyond the workshop.
/skills: analysis of different kinds of images, photographing your environment, lighting and composition, the relationship between words and images, writing captions, planning a project, the production process, the circulation of images.