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SameSame – Series

SameSame is a correspondence between refugees from different countries and refugee camps.
Using the Jungleye postcards, refugees and asylum seekers write each other as a way to broaden the dialogue. This activity is also a way to discover Jungleye postcards, to understand their process of production and their meaning. At the end, a link is created between people, living in different places but experiencing the same difficulties.
To participate in this activity, there are three possible ways to engage and broaden the dialog:

  • Choose a favorite postcard made by an unknown person living in a refugee camp
  • Write a note on the back of the postcard to the photographer/author of it. Jungleye will take responsibility to send the postcard to the photographer/author
  • Re-create and re-photograph the same image in a new environment
  • We will send back your new postcard to the first photographer
  • A network between refugees is starting